In order to ensure you receive timely and accurate pension information, the OPB (on behalf of the PJPB) needs to have your most current personal details on file.

Planning to move? Please contact OPB’s Client Care Centre, who handles PJPP client needs.

Changing banking information? Please provide a new void cheque or an updated bank deposit form to OPB’s Client Care Centre. You can provide this information via email to As this information is sensitive, please ensure you send this using an email you trust on a protected network.

If possible, notice of any account, branch or bank change should be provided at least 30 days before your next pension payment. As a precaution, your “old” account should be left open until you start receiving payments in your new account.

Changes to your name? If there is a change to your name, please notify OPB’s Client Care Centre. They will provide you with a list of acceptable government-issued documents, as that will be needed to validate the name change on your file.