Your pension is calculated based on a defined formula. However, the formula used to calculate your pension will depend on:

  • when you were appointed,
  • your age and service at retirement, and
  • your salary (based on the highest judicial rank you attained).

Pension formulas

Scenario 1: Met BSR

At retirement, you:

  • have 15 years credited service; and
  • have attained age 65

Base Benefit equals 56% multiplied by salary (no further age or service enhancements)

Age and Service enhancements at retirement:

  • For every year of service in excess of 15 years at age 65 you will receive an additional 1% of salary
  • For every year greater than age 65 at retirement, you will receive an additional 1% of salary
Your base benefit: 56%
PLUS Your retirement age enhancement: 1% per year after age 65
PLUS Your service enhancement: 1% per year in addition to 15 years of service at age 65
EQUALS new percentage of salary

Example: You were appointed at age 48 and retired at age 67

Formula Percentage
Your base benefit 56%
PLUS Your retirement age enhancement 2% (2 years greater than age 65)
PLUS Your service enhancement 2% (2 years in addition to 15 years of service at age 65)
EQUALS new percentage of salary 60%

You can simply refer to this Table (PDF) . Cross reference your appointment age and retirement age to obtain the pension factor.

Age at Appointment Age at Retirement Percentage of benefit
48 67 60%

Scenario 2: Late appointment

At retirement, you:

  • were appointed after age 60
  • served full-time to age 70
Age at Appointment Percentage of benefit
60 56%
61 50%
62 44%
63 38%
64 32%

Appointment age and Service enhancements at retirement:

  • For every year of appointment after age 60, you will receive an additional 1% of salary
  • For every year of service after age 70, you will receive an additional 1% of salary
Your base benefit: refer to percentage at age 60 table above
PLUS Your appointment age enhancement: 1% per year after age 60
PLUS Your service enhancement: 1% per year after age 70
EQUALS new percentage of salary

Example: You were appointed at age 62 and retired at age 72

Formula Percentage
Your base benefit 44% (per table above)
PLUS Your retirement age enhancement 2% (2 years after age 60)
PLUS Your service enhancement 2% (2 years after age 60)
EQUALS new percentage of salary 48%

Scenario 3: Did not meet BSR


  • Entitled to a reduced pension
  • Base Benefit is based on your age at appointment and age at retirement
  • No appointment age enhancement
  • No service enhancement

Example: You were appointed at age 48 and retired at age 58 (use Table 2 under 55)

Age at Appointment Age at Retirement Percentage of benefit
48 58 29%

If you defer your pension, your pension will be protected against inflation. You can commence at any time before age 65 and must commence the month following your 65th birthday.