You have a range of retirement options with the PJPP.

Early retirement

You can retire on the first of any month following your 55th birthday, provided you have at least five years of service in the plan and either:

  • no longer hold the office of provincial court judge, or
  • begin serving part-time.

Deferred pensions

If you leave office between the ages of 55 to 65 and are entitled to a pension, your pension entitlement starts on the 1st of the month following your leaving the office. While there is no benefit to doing so, you can delay the start of that pension by a written notice. If you delay the start of your pension, it is referred to as a deferred pension. You can start collecting a deferred pension on the first of any month after the entitlement starts by a written notice, but must start receiving it no later than the first of the month following your 65th birthday. Please note that your deferred pension will be adjusted for CPI inflation, but you will not be eligible for payments during the deferral period.

Retirement once meeting the Basic Service Requirement (BSR)

The Basic Service Requirement (BSR) is a factor used to determine pension eligibility. Once you’ve met the BSR, you can retire with an unreduced pension. If you retire before meeting the BSR, your pension will be reduced. In any event, you must retire upon attaining age 75.

You will meet the BSR once:

  • you have reached age 65, and
  • your age plus service adds up to 80 or more.

Late appointment

If you are appointed between age 60 and 65, you are eligible to retire after 5 years of service. The plan offers pension enhancements should you wait to retire at age 70.

Pension Estimates

You can quickly get a rough estimate of your pension using the estimate table linked below. Please note that while this can be used as a guide, not all possible scenarios are captured.

To get the rough estimate of your pension, simply multiply your salary by the percentage that applies to you (based on your age at appointment and your projected age at retirement).

Note: Table (PDF) is from O. Reg. 290/13, s. 9, Table 2