If you’re thinking about retiring, it’s a good idea to request a pension estimate. This can help you determine whether the pension income you are eligible to receive (based on your anticipated retirement age) fits into your financial plans. You can request an estimate by contacting Ontario Pension Board’s (OPB) Client Care Centre, who handles Provincial Judges Pension Plan (PJPP) client needs on behalf of the Provincial Judges Pension Board (PJPB).

When you’ve decided on your retirement date

Once you’ve decided on a retirement date, there are a few things you’ll need to do to set the retirement process in motion:

  1. Contact the Chief Justice’s Office (CJO) and let them know.
    • To help avoid any gap between your retirement date and the start of your pension, make sure you notify the Chief Justice’s Office at least six months before your planned retirement date.
  2. Complete the following forms, which will be provided by the CJO : 
    • PJPP5010-A - Leaving Office Checklist – completed by Judge, submitted to Payroll/HR Administrator
    • PJPP5010-B - Leaving Office – completed by Payroll/HR Administrator, submitted to OPB on behalf of the PJPB

The Chief Justice’s Office will notify the Pay and Benefits Operation Branch (PBOB) and have the paperwork started. Once the paperwork is complete, OPB (on behalf of the PJPB) will calculate your pension based on your official communicated retirement date, and pension payments will begin.